We use PCBA test jigs to test PCBAs produced in our facility quickly and efficiently. Not only do such jigs save time and effort, but they are usually quite reliable, too.


What is a PCBA testing jig?

In this case, they improve the accuracy and efficiency of PCBA testing which is done to ensure that PCBAs (Printed Circuit Board Assemblies) work as expected. Since these are generally the brains of electronic products, they’re a critical component to test before assembly is finished.

Common PCBA test jigs are referred to as a ‘bed of nails test jig’ or ‘needle bed’ test rigs and they may look a little like this:

bed of nails pcba test jig

To perform the bed of nails PCB test you simply place the circuit board into the right position (which the rig will probably ensure), tighten the rig, and the contact of the circuits is made so the PCBA functionality can be tested and verified.

Remember, ideally there will be one in your office/warehouse, one for the PCBA manufacturer, and if the assembly is done in another factory they will need a third one (good to have them do incoming QC at least on a few samples).

Where to get the test jigs made?

Having your manufacturer in China (in case that’s where you plan to have manufacturing going) get them made will be much cheaper than you figuring out how to program it. However, if you can develop your own test rigs it will speed things up a bit.


What do PCBA test jigs look like when used on the assembly line?

Here at Agilian, we use a variety of PCBA test jigs. You can see a selection of them in this video:


What are the benefits of testing PCBAs like this?

By testing PCBAs you will avoid:

  • DOA (Dead On Arrival) products
  • Excessive product returns
  • Many angry customers
  • Wasted money on manufacturing defective products
  • In some cases, unsafe products


How much does a bed of nails test jig typically cost?

Depending on its complexity, the typical cost of a jig is between 130 USD and 500 USD.
It may also include a couple of sensors and displays, a Raspberry Pi with custom code, some switches to simulate various situations, and a variety of other features. Obviously, the cost of managing the development, writing custom firmware, and so on comes on top of the above-mentioned cost. We strongly suggest you ask your suppliers to be transparent about how much goes to their suppliers and how much goes to their work.
One benefit of developing the testing process in China is access to a variety of small test jig suppliers that work quickly and offer very reasonable prices.

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