What Makes a Great Version 1.0 Product? (…and it’s not “MVP”)
When we think of launching a product, the term “MVP” (Minimum Viable Product) often comes up. Many people think that […]
How To Make Faster Injection Mold Tooling [7 Tips]
Designing and producing injection mold tooling is time-consuming and expensive in many cases. This critical equipment allows businesses to mass-produce […]
Starting Domestic Assembly then Moving Manufacturing to China (Pros & Cons)
We’ve worked with some customers who started to do the final assembly of their products themselves in their countries. Later, […]
How To Achieve ‘Final Hardware’ Faster?
What is final hardware? Final hardware really means a combination of software and physical hardware (in the case of many […]
Product Development Lifecycle: Why and How to Reduce its Time?
Let’s look at how to reduce the product development lifecycle time and the benefits of doing so to importers who’re […]
Why NOT To Work With A Manufacturer Until You Have Mature Product Designs!
When manufacturing new products in China there are several steps that just can’t be skipped, especially in the product design […]
New Product Development In China: 4 Tips To Go Faster
There are many reasons for importers to find new product development in China difficult, and the more customized and complex […]
Crowdfunding Campaign Strategy: Activities Hardware Startups Must Do In Parallel
So you’re a hardware startup who’s about to launch a Kickstarter or Indiegogo campaign and you need to prepare to […]
6 Ways 2D Drawings Help Communication Through Development & Production
Have you been working on the design of a new product? Maybe you are in the prototyping phase, you are […]
Why A Feasibility Study With Suppliers Saves Time & Prevents Issues
One of the root causes of many quality issues is poor communication, and it is particularly true in China. When […]
Why spending time in planning, before starting prototype work, can save a lot of time
Many clients come to us with a product design and expect that we start building a prototype immediately, but in […]