Our Executive VP,  Renaud Anjoran, is a Quality Assurance expert and he put together these 7 signs of a poorly managed factory in China here for Globalsources.com which we’ve recreated here with thanks (image source).

Do any of these signs seem familiar to you when you think about your suppliers? If so, it may be time to consider a change.

7 signs of a poorly managed china factory


Are you thinking of switching suppliers?

If your Chinese supplier is exhibiting any of these behaviors it may be time to switch to a better option to save yourself a lot of hassle, worry, and even money!

Use our free assessment tool to find out if making a switch is worth exploring. Just hit the button below to visit and fill it out:

switch chinese manufacturer assessment cta

Renaud Anjoran

About Renaud Anjoran

Renaud is a recognised expert in quality, reliability, and supply chain issues and is Agilian's Executive VP. He has decades of experience in electronics, textiles, plastic injection, die casting, eyewear, furniture, oil & gas, and paint. He is also an ASQ-Certified ‘Quality Engineer’, ‘Reliability Engineer’, and ‘Quality Manager’, and a certified ISO 9001, 13485, and 14001 Lead Auditor.

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