To monitor the quality, reliability, and safety of the products we assemble, we provide comprehensive in-house testing capabilities which we continue to expand.
When importing products that are made in China, lab tests at several stages of the production process help you to ensure the product design and production complies with your requirements. Here are the stages when lab testing on your product is relevant:
it is good to run a series of tests that confirm their performance and reliability. Pushing the product to failure is also a way to know what the design’s weaknesses are, and to inform further design iterations.
and a small quantity of products have been made exactly like mass production (same processes, same tooling…), it is the last chance to catch serious issues that could not be tested during product development. Certain reliability tests can be done in our laboratory. Compliance testing and if applicable certifications (for example, FCC) also typically takes place at this stage.
it is imperative to check whether they comply with requirements. Once they are embedded in a complete product, detecting issues and reacting is far more time-consuming and costly.
certain tests will also be conducted when mass production is underway. For certain products, it makes sense to continually pick samples and conduct ‘burn-in’ testing, as a way to detect anomalies before they result in batches of defective products.
These are some of the common tests we conduct for you in our internal testing laboratory here in China to help assure your product safety, compliance, and quality.
Inserting a part into another for a number of cycles. E.g. USB drive into a port. The goal is to assure it still fits well & no deformations or other issues appear.
This chamber inflicts alternating cold and hot temperatures on products to simulate failures caused by similar thermal shocks during normal use. Temperatures alternate rapidly at around 15 °C per minute.
This XRF scanner allows us to perform chemical analyses of products and is also used to partially confirm compliance with RoHS and REACH. (Note: EU doesn’t have requirements on which lab issues documents to establish compliance and it can be done by any actor in the supply chain as long as data is recorded).
The UV testing machine is a device used to measure and assess how components and materials perform when subjected to UV radiation over time, to mimic being used in sunlight.
This testing device measures and analyzes the frequency response of headphones and earphones, demonstrating how they reproduce different sound frequencies. We use it to assess their performance and uncover audio output problems or imbalances.
The anechoic test chamber is soundproof and designed for near-perfect noise insulation. It is used for precise sound and basic RF tests, with walls that absorb sound or RF waves to eliminate interference.
To drive continuous improvement, our quality engineers regularly conduct failure analyses.
They use our in-house magnifier, projector, and various electronic devices (oscilloscope, multimeter, precision power supplies…). They also commonly do X-ray and cross-section tests at the facilities of our tier-one suppliers when needed.
Our 2D Projector, for high precision measurements (up to 0.001mm)
Talk To Us About Your Testing Needs